Choose My Plate for Kids

From: Choose My Plate
MyPlate Kids' Place has resources that can help children make healthier choices. offers science-based advice to help kids and their parents build healthy meals and maintain or achieve a healthy weight. MyPlate Kids' Place provides online resources and tools for children to help them make wise choices in a fun and appealing way. Parents and teachers are invited to use the MyPlate Kids' Place resources to deliver credible information and find “teachable moments” that will influence children’s choices at home and at school.
MyPlate at Home (for Adults)
MyPlate Daily Checklist (formerly Daily Food Plan)
Recipes, Cookbooks, and Menus
Cook More Often at Home
Be an Active Family (English, Español)
Be a Healthy Role Model for Children (English, Español)
MyPlate Snack Tips for Parents (English, Español)
Kid-Friendly Veggies and Fruits (English, Español)
Cut Back on Your Kid's Sweet Treats (English, Español)
Make Better Beverage Choices (English, Español)
The School Day Just Got Healthier (English, Español)
Serving Up MyPlate: A Yummy Curriculum (from USDA Team Nutrition