Elk River Backpack Blessings Vendor Sale is Set!
ATTENTION VENDORS AND CRAFTERS! Elk River Backpack Blessings is holding our vendor sale on Saturday, June 2, 2018. Doors will open to the...

10 Surprisingly Healthy Snacks for Kids
The Search for the Perfect Snack Snacks can often be a big part of your child's diet, so it's important that most of the snacks you give...

Childhood Nutrition Facts from CDC
From: CDC Healthy eating in childhood and adolescence is important for proper growth and development and to prevent various health...

Choose My Plate for Kids
From: Choose My Plate MyPlate Kids' Place has resources that can help children make healthier choices. ChooseMyPlate.gov offers...

Nutrition Tips for Kids
From: Family Doctor Many children and families today have busy schedules. These make it hard to sit down to homemade meals every day....

11 Surprising Benefits Of Banana
From: Organic Facts The health benefits of banana include helping with weight loss, reducing obesity, curing intestinal disorders,...

Dr Seuss Snacks
From: Your Modern Family Wanna make eating enjoyable for your children? Is your child a picky eater? These fun snack ideas from Your...

What Is the Importance of Good Nutrition For Kids?
From: Healthy Eating How your child eats today will have a striking impact on her health throughout adolescence and adulthood. Consuming...

Nutrition Tips for Kids
From: Family Doctor Many children and families today have busy schedules. These make it hard to sit down to homemade meals every day....

Childhood Nutrition
From: Healthy Children Nearly 1 in 3 children in America is overweight or obese. Despite all the focus on kids being overweight and...